
Mid Day Meal (MDM)

Date : 15/08/1995 - 31/03/2019 | Sector: Social Welfare

Mid day meal scheme was started in 1984 in Gujarat. In this scheme the share of central government is of 75% and the share of State government is of 25%. It involves provision for free lunch on working days for children in primary upper primary classes in government aided, local body school.

Key Functions

  • To provide hot cooked meal to children.
  • To improve nutritional status of children.
  • To encourage poor children belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more regularly & help them concentrate on classroom activities, thereby increasing the enrollment, retention & attendance rates.
  • To Decrease the drop out ratio of the students in school.
  • The subsidiary aim is to provide the employment in Rural Sector.

Service Category : Monitoring on District Level.

Associated branches : MDM Branch at Taluka Level.


School Children

