- Assessment of performance of class II officers and monitoring of health branch function related with Supervision public health.
- Functioning, and monitoring national programmes, Monitoring and spervising PHC.
- Functions related with district register birth and death
- Monitoring programmes of reproduction, child health and health
- Health care of pregnant mother, infant and children
- Planning and implementation of IECC functioning under RCH programme.
- Epidemic preventive action
- Malaria preventive action
- Family welfare, blindness, preventive programme, Vaccination programme
- Monitoring health system
- Health check-up of school children
School health
As per instruction of commissioner, health services, a programme is introduced as part of main activity of school health unit. In which principals of primary schools of Bharuch district are coordinated with CRC, BRC and teachers are imparted health bonneted training and thus message on health is conversed to students. Principals of primary schools of all talukas hold school health education camps under this program. During training health related rollup charts, health books pamphlets etc. are distributed.
Health assistants and health employees visited 1117 primary schools and held. Health oriented talks during 2005-06. and having remained present in group meeting of primary school of district, school health assistances and employees have provided guidance on school health education.
And health related festivals are coordinated with this programme durians year. in which 24th March is observed as Tuberculosis day, 7th April World Health Day, 31st May Anti-Tobacco Day, 1st to 7th August nutrition week, and 2nd October Leprosy Prevention, 14th November Child Vaccination, 21st September is observed as day 1st December is observed as world AIDS day.